Please sign in to the VRX Studios Portal
Please note, the Certification page will be updated with a patch sometime today, and may be unavailable for a brief period. Thank you for your patience.
Please note the VRX Client Area will be undergoing maintenance at 8:00 PM Pacific Time and may be unavailable for a brief period. Thank you for your patience.
Please note the VRX Client Area will be undergoing maintenance this weekend, December 2nd & 3rd. We recommend logging in Monday at 8:00am Pacific Time to Screen, Select, and Certify.
Please note our office will be closed this Monday, July 2 to observe Canada Day. We will re-open on Tuesday, July 3.
Please note we are working on optimizing the VRX Client Area for Internet Explorer 11. We recommend Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge until this is completed.
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